The Hobby Lobby debate....I'm sorry I just have to

It's quite rare that I have such a strong political/social opinion on things. I feel like I am a super moderate person and I can usually put myself in the shoes of both sides. And I can here too - sort of. I mean, I get it. I even applaud the Green family for standing up for what they believe in. Hobby Lobby does pay their employees better than most and they do still provide coverage for most birth control options. I think anyone should have a hard time arguing that Hobby Lobby is a "bad" company. They aren't.  However, I feel like this case is much bigger and wide spread than just Hobby Lobby. I don't even care about the birth control debate or all of the crazy women's lib people yakking their heads of about women's rights - blah, blah, blah. I think if you take the subject matter out of the debate and apply the decision to ANY subject for ANY closely held company, things get a little scary. Justice Ginsberg said it best:

“And where is the stopping point to the ‘let the government pay’ alternative? Suppose an employer’s sincerely held religious belief is offended by health coverage of vaccines, or paying the minimum wage or according women equal pay for substantially similar work. Does it rank as a less restrictive alternative to require the government to provide the money or benefit to which the employer has a religion-based objection?”

Where does it end? What if this was a Muslim run company? Would we still be yelling so loudly about religious freedom? What if this was a company run by Jehovah's Witness and your child desperately needed a blood transfusion, but due to "closely held religious beliefs" cost-sharing coverage was not provided for the procedure? I don't even think $14/hr could afford that. (And, make no mistake, there are women who medically need IUD's.) 

What's good for the goose must be good for the gander, right? This case sets a dangerous precedent wherein ANYTHING could be hung on the hat of religious belief. Yes, one of our most cherished rights in this great country is freedom of religion. But that also means freedom from religion. People shouldn't be forced to choose another (possibly lower paying) job because they don't agree with a company's religious views. I mean, isn't that the point of America? You are free to have your own view and your own belief system so as long as it isn't forced upon others? 


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